We sell a multitone whistle that is great for working with dogs and even other pets. The advantage to these whistles over others is that the ability to create many different tones is helpful in developing numerous different commands. The whistles come in a variety of colors and are made of a hard plastic so they won’t freeze to your mouth in those cold months of the year. They are also available with or without a lanyard (breakaway chain or breakaway cord). We usually sell the whistles at our dog demos but you may also purchase one by contacting us directly.
Also for your convenience, we have created some instructions on how to use the whistle. Many people find it difficult to use, but with some practice and these simple steps, you’ll be a pro in no time!

We also have very nice shepherd’s crooks for sale. They are made from Sweet Chestnut and are available in 54,” 60,” and 66″ heights. Be sure not to leave them in a place where they will get wet for they will slowly loose their “hook” shape. If your crook does happen to “uncurl,” here is a way of remolding it: Get the crook wet, perhaps even soak it for a while until it is easily bendable. Then bend the crook back to the shape you desire and secure it with a strong bungie cord wrapped several times around. Then, let the crook dry in this position. It’s possible that you may have to repeat this process again.
As with the whistles, we sell the crooks at most of our demonstrations but they can also be purchased directly by contacting us.