Our current flock of nearly 200 commercial Dorset-cross ewes contains both white and colored animals. As we have for decades, we continue to select and breed our flock for desirable traits such as out-of-season breeding, quality fleece, and fast growing ‘hot house’ and freezer lambs. “Hot house” lamb is a term that refers to 35 – 55 pound lambs which are raised and sold for the Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
We pasture our flock beginning in the spring just after weaning and graze them all summer and fall on our fields and other private land up until mid-December unless there is measurable snow. By extending the grazing season into the late fall, it allows us to save feed costs while still providing quality food for our animals. For local residents and passersby, it is not uncommon to see us moving animals using our Border Collies to herd the flock down the main road to the next pasture.
Each winter, beginning in late January, our ewes give birth to new lambs. By March 1st, lambing season is about finished and there are several hundred babies romping about the farm. Every two years, we select 20 to 40 animals to rotate into our flock to replace others that have been culled. The remaining lambs are divided up and sold as breeding stock and as meat.
Our high quality Dorset wool is used to weave our white and natural colored Monadnock blankets. About half of our ewes are colored and have been selected for their recessive black gene. Wellscroft has one of the largest black flocks
breeding stock
Wellscroft also sells breeding stock in the spring and fall. If you are interested, you should contact the farm in January or February so we can plan accordingly during weaning time. Prices vary based upon lineage, weight, age and color.
Please Contact Us if interested.

Sheep related FAQs
Yes, we sell both breeding stock and market lambs for those interested. If you are interested in breeding stock, please contact us by the end of February so we can be sure to reserve animals for you. Of the approximately 200 lambs born each year, we sell many of them to the “hot house” and “market lamb” trade. “Hot house” lamb is a term that refers to 35 – 55 pound lambs which are raised and sold for the Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. In addition, customers may purchase their own market lambs to raise in the spring.
Our sheep are a commercial Dorset-cross. We have chosen this cross for out of season breeding, fast growing ‘hot house’ lambs, and good quality wool. Roughly half of our ewes carry a recessive black gene which creates the beautiful naturally colored wool in our blankets as well as our brown, black, and gray sheepskins.
Yes, we do sell ‘freezer lamb’, but limit it to those within a forty mile radius of Wellscroft Farm. We sell either a whole or a half lamb only and usually offer lamb twice a year which is ready for pick up in June or July. It is common that we sell out so be sure to send in your order form early. For more information and a cut-up chart, please go to our Freezer Lamb page.
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